Richmond Famous

Richmond's Plantasia: Pomona Plants & Coffee

Episode Summary

From working together in the restaurant scene—long before Richmond was even a blip on the national food radar—to learning the ins and outs of growing food from seed up at a Northern farm, Melissa and Frayser Micou have had quite a journey to their current oasis in the city, Pomona Plants and Coffee. We stopped into the soda fountain turned plant shop and café to hear all about it.

Episode Notes

From working together in the restaurant scene—long before Richmond was even a blip on the national food radar—to learning the ins and outs of growing food from seed up at a Northern farm, Melissa and Frayser Micou have had quite a journey to their current oasis in the city, Pomona Plants and Coffee. These past adventures inform their plant shop-cum-soda fountain-cum-coffee salon and make it one of the most thoughtfully curated spots in the city to chill. Pop in, pick a plant friend, order a beverage and a bite and feel the calming plant vibes wash over you. Trust us, it’s a lovely place to linger.

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